Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Codes and Conventions

As with any media, especially in the film area, there are going to be codes and conventions that define what makes a piece of film eligible to be branded as a certain genre or type of film. This is the same with short film. Although over time the codes and conventions have been argued over, and different people claim that certain elements should be set to different values, there are still a number of codes and conventions that are universal for the short film:


An average short film will most commonly last from 5-10 minutes. However the length can range from anything between from 90 seconds to 40 minutes.


Generally kept simple and easy to follow, and are based over a short time period (unlike feature lengths which can span years) The narrative is normally condensed with limited dialogue. Characters will be developed through actions.


Due to the length and simplicity of the narrative, normally only 1-3 main characters will be introduced - due to the fact that backstories and developing characters is again limited. Using a limited number of characters is also used to keep the audience engaged and easily able to follow the storyline without being overwhelmed by information about multiple characters


Although not a general rule. It is apparent that a common convention of short films is to include a twist in the story. A twist allows the film maker to tell an interesting story in a small amount of time.


Overall, a short film allows for much more creativity and abstraction. The director is able to use more creative flair, placing their own signature look on the piece as there is less pressure to make a profitable film for a larger audience.


Budgets for short films are generally quite low. A majority of short films are not made for profit, therefore this effects how much a director is willing to spend on a film. In effect, this gives the films a home made or arty look and feel to them.

Niche Audience 

Short films tend to have a much smaller audience than mainstream films due to the creative nature, length and simple storyline. With the popularity of short films decreasing in the 30's, many people are not aware of the short film and how to access them.

Online Distribution

Unlike mainstream films, short films are largely accessible through the internet. Many sites distribute short films online, with companies like BBC showing them. Also Vimeo has one of the largest collections of short films available to anyone.

Todorov's Theory of Equilibrium 

A theory commonly applied to short films:
Equilibrium - Everything is normal.
Disequilibrium - A problem occurs.
New Equilibrium - Problem is solved. Everything is back to normal; however a change is noticeable.