Sunday 10 November 2013

Short Film Initial Ideas

After brainstorming possible scenarios and genres, I have come up with a possible three storylines that I could explore and possibly flesh out and make into my final film.

Idea 1: An average business man monotonously goes about his daily life, doing the same routine day in day out. One day, he realises (or thinks he does) that some food that he bought the other day had gone. He dismisses it, thinking it could be rats or a small animal and carries on with his life. This disappearance of food continues and the man becomes ever-more suspicious. He checks his locks and windows and everything is as it should be. He sets up a CCTV system in his house and the results are shocking - an old woman moving about his flat whilst he was at work, eating his food, using his shower and toilet - in a nutshell living there. It transpired that she had in fact been living in one if his cupboards.

Idea 2: A person wakes up and gets up like the everyday person. Their house is nothing special - just the average, working class house. However, it is clear from their routine and the cleanliness and order of the house that they have OCD. We get a sense as the audience that everything has to be perfect. As we see the routine unfold, we never get to hear this person talk.
Narration starts... "I am Joe Bloggs, I am the best hit man in the world"
This narration is parallel to the live footage. "I study my targets maliciously..." Shot of person reading the paper. "I am prepared for anything..." Shot of person getting dressed into warm clothing.
After the routine is complete, the person walks toward their car and gets in. Another ODC routine is carried out just to start the car (highlighting the level of OCD this person has). We see them drive off and along the road. The driver suddenly dies. The camera shifts to a different car, with a new character talking on the phone, in the same voice as the narration. "Target is down".

Idea 3: An elderly man has been in a vegetative state since suffering a stroke some 10 or so years ago. He has been living with one of his daughters since the incident and has no memory of who he is, or who they are. One of the other siblings moves into the mans old house and they decide that it would be good to move him in too. After a few days of being back to living in his old house, the man wakes up and his memory has been revived. However, he still thinks that it is 10 years ago, he see's his grandkids and is amazed at how tall they have become and is amazed by the change in life (montage showing modern life). That night, adamant his memory would stay, he says goodnight - but nothing else to his family - and goes to bed. The next morning he wakes and has returned to his vegetative state - his family are distraught he couldn't say goodbye.

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